A new chat·south·africa?!
We know... sequels rarely improve on the original. So we're keeping things simple. At least for starters.
Reconnect with old acquaintances, friends, flames, or foes. Make new ones. You do you.
Be decent. You're talking to real people.
Be safe. You're talking to strangers and this is the Internet.
Channel operators, the @people, moderate rooms. They set and enforce rules for rooms and can kick and ban people. Or self-service and use the Ignore option as required.
▸ What is chat·south·africa? ▹ It's your gateway to chat rooms on the Atrum IRC network.
▸ Eh? IRC? Atrum? ▹ Details, details. Atrum is a social chat service provider with a range of chat rooms. The buttons below connect you to some of the more popular rooms.
▸ What's in it for me? ▹ No doom scrolling socials. Meet people from all over the country (or world). Be as anonymous as you need or want to be.
▸ Naughty or nice? ▹ That's between you and your chat partner. And Santa's list.
Got it? Good!